
MIS 373 Week 1 blog

The first week of MIS 373 taught by Srikar Velichety introduced some basic concepts of operations management. This course emphasizes how operations management plays an important role in today’s business. The instructor covered topics such as operations strategies, effective planning and decision-making process, and goods/service design, and etc. Operations management helps all operators and managers in the company make better decisions, and it supports the whole company run well.

My knowledge about operations management from MIS 373 so far can be related to the current event in the world. In the article titled “Why MBAs Should Consider Operations Management” from businessweek.com, the author mentions, “Operations may not have the immediately obvious career appeal of finance or strategy. But anyone who makes it their focus will have an enormous advantage when they graduate”. It concentrates on the importance of operations for a company, even like a so successful company like Apple.

This article gives the case of Apple as an example. The new Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook made his name under Steve Jobs by doing excellent operations management. According to the report, Apple employees give the new CEO a 97% approval rating.  Apple follows the model of building international supply chains while keeping top management, marketing, and design in their home market. In this case, operation drives everything. Mr. Cook is concerned about the mission of the company and Apple’s impact on society. As we have learned in class, mission gives the company ideas on how you serve your company and the reason for a company’s existence. Apple has done a great job so far.

On an operational level in the organization, understanding and applying concepts of operations management is necessary. In the process of producing and designing goods and service, operations management becomes the most crucial step to maintain the competitiveness in today’s business environment.

(1) Srikar Velichety Eller MIS 373 Summer Session 2, 2014 slides, CH 1,2,4

